Online Convocation form submission with Fees - from 13-Sep-2021 to 18-Sep-2021 till 04:00 p.m.
Online Convocation form submission with Fees - from 13-Sep-2021 to 18-Sep-2021 till 04:00 p.m.
All eligible students may submit online convocation form through their respective CPS login.
Convocation Ceremony shall be held on 8-Oct-2021 (2:00 pm onwards)
Due to COVID-19 Pandemic and surge of number of COVID-19 cases, the convocation shall be held in absentia for all the successful students. Only medalist and fellows will be invited to be present for convocation in person.
Convocation Fees :
Diploma (InAbsentia) - Rs.3,000.00
FCPS (InAbsentia) - Rs.4,000.00
Please Note : Fees mentioned above are non-refundable.
After making payment, please save convocation fees receipt for future reference.
Guidelines for online payment of fees :
a) CPS website links to secure payment gateway website for collection of your fees payment. Upon completion of the payment transaction you will be redirected to CPS website with fee receipt. Please save and print this receipt for reference.
b) In case your transaction is successful and amt. is deducted from your bank account but you are not redirected to CPS website with fee receipt, please wait for 1 hour. In case please do NOT reinitiate payment or refresh the page to avoid duplicate payment.
c) If any queries regarding online payment of convocation fees please e-mail on (It is mandatory to mention your correct enrollment no. in the e-mail)
Due to COVID-19 pandemic in Mumbai, fees payment via online mode is preferable.
In case you are unable to pay convocation form fees online, you may send Demand Draft (DD) of fees to CPS office, Mumbai before 18-Sep-2021 till 04:00 p.m.
DD of requisite fees should be drawn in the favour of “College of Physicians and Surgeons of Mumbai” payable at Mumbai.
Receipt of fees by DD shall be subject to clearance of DD.
CPS is not responsible if under any circumstances your DD does not reached to CPS office Mumbai within stipulated period of time.
Convocation form submitted without payment of fees shall not be considered for further process.
Students who shall be called for Convocation InPerson have to compulsorily sign the declaration required by By-laws of CPS, two days (6th or 7th October 2021) before the Convocation Ceremony in CPS House, Dr. E. Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012. Convocation shall not be allowed if declaration is not signed in advance before the ceremony day.
Students are required to take print of convocation form and Fees receipt. Read all instructions mentioned on convocation form.
Please keep checking official website of CPS for updates.
If any query, please e-mail us on